Yet... another... parity article.
Same quotes. "I know we say it every year, but this year we really mean it."
A challenge to my sportswriter friends and readers: if you're going to write an article on parity, try putting together some numbers. Support or undermine the hypothesis with evidence. Last year I did a little Lexis research for a very simple analysis. Do something like that, or find something even better. We readers are tired of reading the same articles over and over again.
Same quotes. "I know we say it every year, but this year we really mean it."
A challenge to my sportswriter friends and readers: if you're going to write an article on parity, try putting together some numbers. Support or undermine the hypothesis with evidence. Last year I did a little Lexis research for a very simple analysis. Do something like that, or find something even better. We readers are tired of reading the same articles over and over again.