Former Penn State player Amber Bland spoke softly when coach Rene Portland (a) dismissed her from the team (b) declared her status to be in limbo, (c) refused to grant a release until Bland petitioned the university president, (d) expressed disappointment when Bland secured a release, and (e) all of the above.
Bland spoke up yesterday, however, when Portland blasted former teammate Jennifer Harris.
"The coaches talked about kicking (Harris) off the team because of her attitude," Bland told the Patriot-News. . "I think (Harris) had a little bit of an attitude because she was constantly harassed by Rene."
Portland wanted Harris off the team, Bland said, but "the seniors wanted (Harris) to stay because she wasn't a problem to anyone. I never saw her give a bad performance in practice, a game or in the classroom."
Bland spoke up yesterday, however, when Portland blasted former teammate Jennifer Harris.
"The coaches talked about kicking (Harris) off the team because of her attitude," Bland told the Patriot-News. . "I think (Harris) had a little bit of an attitude because she was constantly harassed by Rene."
Portland wanted Harris off the team, Bland said, but "the seniors wanted (Harris) to stay because she wasn't a problem to anyone. I never saw her give a bad performance in practice, a game or in the classroom."