Anti-gay pundit and "professor" Warren Throckmorton says Swoopes proves that orientation is pliable. He also demonstrates how dangling participials can cause dangerous ambiguities.
From the other side, Shauna Swartz takes a damning look at the media coverage of the Swoopes story.
UPDATE: Mr. Throckmorton has revised the grammatically unfortunate sentence above to remove all homo-fabulousness.
Having gone from straight to gay, I suspect she would understand the story of someone who has gone from gay to straight.Oooh... that is just delicious. I love it when bad writers include subconscious critiques of their own work. It saves me the time.
From the other side, Shauna Swartz takes a damning look at the media coverage of the Swoopes story.
The major media coverage of the news has, for the most part, minimized, exaggerated and/or trivialized the issue of what it means to be a lesbian athlete who isn’t closeted.Swoopes is on the cover of this week's Advocate, with a feature story titled: "She is our champion."
UPDATE: Mr. Throckmorton has revised the grammatically unfortunate sentence above to remove all homo-fabulousness.