'Tis the season for top-ten lists and end-of-the-year honors...
Matt Wurst presents the first annual "Dottie" Awards, for the best of the WNBA. Maria Stepanova wins "Best Short Feature." (D'oh!)
At AfterEllen.com, Sheryl Swoopes gets a mention as one of the biggest lesbian stories of the year.
Fox Sports has a compilation of 30 of the best photos from the 2005 women's basketball year... or at least 30 photos from the 2005 women's basketball year.
Matt Wurst presents the first annual "Dottie" Awards, for the best of the WNBA. Maria Stepanova wins "Best Short Feature." (D'oh!)
At AfterEllen.com, Sheryl Swoopes gets a mention as one of the biggest lesbian stories of the year.
Fox Sports has a compilation of 30 of the best photos from the 2005 women's basketball year... or at least 30 photos from the 2005 women's basketball year.