From Mary Jo, regarding ESPN's Silver Anniversary lists:
I read the 25-year material including the pre-NCAA team and wrote to Mechelle Voepel about the list of older players. I thought players from Cheyney State, especially Yolanda Laney, were missing. Mechelle wrote back immediately telling me that the pre-NCAA team was selected by Nancy Lieberman.
I had worked with two friends on a national newsletter in the 70s called "Through The Hoop." It was a combination of original news, analysis and feature stories combined with national team and individual statistics. Coaches and media subscribed to it and also submitted data from their programs, although most of the news was originated by myself and another person, both with media backgrounds.
I have copies of "Through The Hoop" in the special collections library on the Penn State campus and in the library at the Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield. While we celebrate 25 years of NCAA success, the AIAW years also are important and that's what "Through The Hoop" documents.