What's the best thing about this year's .500-ish Mystics: committed owner Sheila Johnson? Improved numbers for Alana Beard? The unlikely resurgence of Nakia Sanford? Lofty Latvian project Zane Teilane? Coach Adubato's somewhat disturbing attempt to re-create the 2001-02 L.A. Sparks?
No, the best thing is the DCBasketCases blog. Last weekend, the BasketCases saw Chicago: they came away with kind words for the UIC Pavilion, DeLisha Milton-Jones ("warming up with the team and moving well"!), and, of course, Zane Teilane. (If you think she's hard to pronounce, you must not follow the Silver Stars.)
The BasketCases also noticed what we've known for a while: the Chicago Sun-Times does a pretty good job with the Sky, while its rival the Chicago Tribune blows.
No, the best thing is the DCBasketCases blog. Last weekend, the BasketCases saw Chicago: they came away with kind words for the UIC Pavilion, DeLisha Milton-Jones ("warming up with the team and moving well"!), and, of course, Zane Teilane. (If you think she's hard to pronounce, you must not follow the Silver Stars.)
The BasketCases also noticed what we've known for a while: the Chicago Sun-Times does a pretty good job with the Sky, while its rival the Chicago Tribune blows.