A couple of emails responding to this blog's discussion of the NYTimes' non-coverage of the New York Liberty prompted a little research. In May of 2005, Marie Hardin, Associate Director of Research for the Center for Sports Journalism, said a survey of editors suggested they fail to gauge women's interest in sports. A couple of her findings might relate to the Times' non-coverage:
- At least one quarter to one third of the editors said they believe women are naturally less athletic and less interested in sports than men.Clearly, changing the coverage women's sports is about changing attitudes, and that won't be easy. But making yourself heard is important. As the WNBA playoffs begin, consider praising good coverage and calling out poor coverage. Womensbasketballonline has a few helpful hints on how to communicate with sports editors and writers.
-Roughly half said they believe Title IX has been unjust to men’s sports.