Via Marie Hardin's blog comes this article from Outsports about "gay friendly" ESPN.
What if you were told that one of the leading sports entities in the world was gay-friendly; That the company actively recruits gay people in its hiring efforts; That one of its top corporate initiatives over the last several years has been to make the workplace gay-friendly; And that some of its most high-profile members welcome the opportunity to work with gay people.Perhaps that explains the coverage ESPN gave the Rene Portland/Jen Harris case. And no, the irony of Hardin being an assistant professor ar Penn State does not escape me.
It may sound like a fantasy world to some, but it’s the ever-growing record of the self-proclaimed and widely recognized “worldwide leader in sports,” ESPN. Over the last 10 years, ESPN has developed a history of visible gay-friendly actions that have separated it from much of the rest of the sports world.