Marist's local daily paper is the Poughkeepsie (N.Y.) Journal-Courier, and their reporters have flooded the zone.
In today's edition, Marist chief PR guy Tim Massie describes his sudden popularity, and ESPN anchor J. W. Stewart (Marist '93) says he cried.
Commentator Sean McMann compares Marist's run-- favorably-- to a World Series win. (What will he have left to say if the Red Foxes beat Tennessee?) McMann is also blogging the team.
Marist senior Shannon Minter describes her experience so far.
Coach Brian Giorgis describes their flight from California to Poughkeepsie via Long Island: "I've never seen a group of kids so happy, and rightfully so." More on the fans who came to the airport here. Their 4,000-student school has chartered a flight to Dayton.
Do you know a new Marist fan who never cared about college hoops (men's or women's) before? The Journal wants to hear from you.
In today's edition, Marist chief PR guy Tim Massie describes his sudden popularity, and ESPN anchor J. W. Stewart (Marist '93) says he cried.
Commentator Sean McMann compares Marist's run-- favorably-- to a World Series win. (What will he have left to say if the Red Foxes beat Tennessee?) McMann is also blogging the team.
Marist senior Shannon Minter describes her experience so far.
Coach Brian Giorgis describes their flight from California to Poughkeepsie via Long Island: "I've never seen a group of kids so happy, and rightfully so." More on the fans who came to the airport here. Their 4,000-student school has chartered a flight to Dayton.
Do you know a new Marist fan who never cared about college hoops (men's or women's) before? The Journal wants to hear from you.