Mechelle takes one last look back at the 2007-08 season (and a little forward).
Next season, as mentioned, Tennessee will be a very young team. And it's a real shame that Vicki Baugh -- who was having one of the most effective performances of her rookie year -- suffered a torn ACL in the title game.She has a second piece about college coaching changes, coaching mysteries, coaching messes and coaching challenges.
But the Summitt Factor remains. Even if she was forced to coach five raccoons she found on her back porch, Summitt likely could at least make the Sweet 16.
Then again, word is raccoons steer well clear of that place now.
...athletic departments would be wise to have periodic conflict-resolution seminars for their employees and student-athletes (without disdain, eye-rolling or foot-dragging from coaches).
Another plus would be a workable, fair system that allows players to talk to school officials about legitimate problems with coaches before they reach crisis situations.
And departments must try to foster an atmosphere where coaches feel that they can ask for help without fear that will undermine their authority or jeopardize their careers.