It's great when gives players chance to strut their stuff off the court - I just wish they'd TELL us...
For instance, check out this blog entry from Stanford's Rosalyn Gold-Onwude:
For instance, check out this blog entry from Stanford's Rosalyn Gold-Onwude:
Stanford Littles Pledge:
"I shall love my BIGS by giving them the ball"
Get The Ball INSIDE!"
"I shall love my BIGS by giving them the ball"
Get The Ball INSIDE!"
This is the sign you would see upon entering the locker room of the Stanford Women's Basketball team. Actually there are many signs. They're posted on the doors of lockers that belong to "Littles." They're posted on the mirrors in the bathroom. There is no escaping the signs and there is no escaping the fact that at Stanford, the "Bigs" have their cake and eat it too. They do easy fun drills at practice, they get gear quicker and without hassle, and the plays are made for them. In Maples Pavilion, it's a Big's World and Littles and Middles are just squirrels trying to get a nut.
I was initially nervous to write this post, for fear that I might give some of our game plan away. However, after careful consideration, I decided that if you're an opposing coach, and you don't know we're going inside... you missed the boat. So...I'll continue.