the 'kellians are still coming up with creative advertising ideas for the W.
The latest entry from pilight gave me the giggles.... They're filming an "Expect Great" ad with Lisa Leslie, and she stops mid-sentence:
The latest entry from pilight gave me the giggles.... They're filming an "Expect Great" ad with Lisa Leslie, and she stops mid-sentence:
LESLIE: “This ad doesn’t make any sense. We should accentuate the positive about the WNBA instead of dwelling on this negativity.”
DIRECTOR: “What do you mean? This is the script the league approved.”
LESLIE: “I mean we should concentrate on what’s great about the WNBA. Show people the great teamwork. [cut to a clip of Leslie receiving a pass in the post for an easy layup] Show them great defense. [cut to a clip of Leslie blocking a shot]. Show us as great role models. [cut to a clip of Leslie doing Read to Achieve or some other community event] Show our passion for the game. [cut to Leslie kissing the WNBA championship trophy after one of the Sparks’ finals wins] And sure, show dunks. [cut to Leslie’s dunk, then return to her in the studio] That’s what people want, not this backhanded guilt trip stuff.”
DIRECTOR: “Shouldn’t we include some highlights of other players?”
LESLIE: [appearing somewhat flummoxed by the question] “Why would you want to do that?”