Yes, even though we do get cranky always feeling the need to defend or explain the women's game, sharing the amazing story of its growth never gets old.
From Mark Zeigler and San Diego:
From Mark Zeigler and San Diego:
Six-on-six basketball is an archaic version of the game played almost exclusively by women. Three people stay on one half of the court and play offense while their three teammates stay on the opposite half and play defense, the idea being that it isn't appropriate for women to go full court. Something about sweating too much.
Now consider this:
As recently as 16 years ago, Iowa girls were still playing six-on-six basketball in high school, as opposed to the traditional five-on-five. Fourteen years ago, they were still playing it in Oklahoma.
It's against this backdrop that women's basketball bounces along today, a sport that hasn't completely captivated the American mainstream yet has severely dented ages-old stereotypes in a relatively short time. A sport caught somewhere between how far it has come and how far it has to go.