From Mechelle: A permanent way to remember Coach Yow.
When asked if Harper should make it a priority to reach out to former players, Gardner showed she really did learn well the lessons Yow taught.
“Really, her plate is so full already – she’s got quite a bit of things to handle,” Gardner said of Harper. “I wouldn’t say to add that to her task list. Instead, I’d say of former players and staff, the onus is on us to really present ourselves to be there and be supportive.
“It’s about the young women who are now wearing the jerseys we used to wear. It’s not about, ‘Oh, we don’t know Coach Harper yet.’ It’s difficult for her – she’s got a huge group of former players to meet and get to know, and it’s our responsibility to show ourselves as supporters of her players and her. We should go there. And then let her know, ‘We need you to understand what we’ve been a part of that lasted for 34 years.’ ”