Women's Hoops Blog

Inane commentary on a game that deserves far better

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

DiMauro gets hot and bothered because UConn no longer has sellout crowds: why not?

"I'm going to get in trouble for this... but... UConn fans, who are generally whiter than most country club members, preferred the days when Sue, Shea, Svet, Jen, Rebecca, Diana and Kara were vanquishing the heathens.

"This doesn't say they didn't love Asjha, Nykesha and Renee. Just not as much."

Also worth noting: Rebecca was from New England; Keesh and Kara Wolters came from Connecticut. None of today's UConn starters have in-state roots, though two reserves do. Seems to me Geno gets the best players he can-- and last time we saw a UConn game on TV, there were empty seats, but the arena felt energetic and packed.